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Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Happy Birthday


Hello Tuesday, doing a quick drive by post to share another birthday card.  This card has already gone postal to California, I hope the recipient receives it in time, the mail is so unpredictable lately.  When creating this card, I used a Sizzix embossing folder, some linen and some pearlized paper from my stash.  This cute camera cut/embossing folder was one of  my previous years HL clearance purchases that hadn't been used, added a few bits to make it a shaker card which is optiional!  I'm sharing this card for the Clean and Simple Birthday challenge #563 over at The Paper Players and the Anything Goes challenge #151 over at Cardz TV.  I'm so glad that I am finally using more of my unused stash items.

Thank you for your visit, stay safe and hurry back soon.


WrinkleFreeDiva said...

I likee!!! It's a great feeling when you pull out and use long-forgotten items in your stash. I think it kind of serves as a reminder that we typically have wayyyyy more than we need or could ever use!

Vicki said...

Oh, I love this! What a great idea to make the camera lens a shaker card. Hope you and your family are well.