Thank you for stopping by and sharing my world. Enjoy, leave a comment if you desire and return at your convenience.
Friday, December 28, 2012
Hello Friday
Over at Stampin' Dymonz Scrap Shack we were challenge to create a card using a diecut, I am always looking for ways to use my stash of goodies and my machines. It just happens that time doesn't always permit me to complete the projects in a timely manner! I needed some anniversary cards and of course I"m 'queen of simple' so I made this card using the wedding cartridge, glittered paper and the package from a cricut cartridge to cut the glasses. the stamp is one that I've had forever I think I got it from $1 bin at Michaels and the paper is some that I've had forever and have been trying to use up. Wishing you and yours a happy and blessed New Year.
Thursday, December 27, 2012
Christmas Morning
It has been one week since my last post and such as life would happen I just couldn't keep up with my self-imposed December Daily challenge. Oh well there's always another time, I hope that you and your family had a blessed holiday season and that you're gearing up for a great New Year. Today I wanted to share one of the pictures that I took of our daughter opening her gifts on Christmas morning. When I look at her my aches because she's growing up way too fast and I'm not ready to let go. I'm not looking forward to the time when she doesn't want me to take pictues of her opening her gifts and being totally surprised when she gets something that wasn't on her list. She can be a very picky child sometimes but this year I think we hit the mark with choosing gifts for her!
Thursday, December 20, 2012
Christmas List

Its Thursday and I should be doing a happy dance but instead I'm thinking about the million things that I need to get done! Over at Scraps of Color I decided to participate in the holiday blog challenge and this week's challenge is to create a Winter Wonderland project or your Christmas List. In the interest of time and in effort to keep up I chose to do the Christmas List. Here's my list in random order: (1) World Peace, (2) A Zoom Camera Lense, (3) I-Pad, (4) New Car, (5) External Flash (camera), (6) Scrap Area Makeover, (7) Some New Jewelry, (8) A Day of Pampering, (9) Good Health & Happiness for my family and (10) A Personal Assistant! I know that some items are a tall order but basically I'm appreciative for whatever I receive and my family usually knows what I need/want!
Wishing you and yours a happy and blessed holiday season!
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Happy Mail
Hello Wednesday, I am participating in a secret sistah gift exchange over at Scraps of Color. Recently, I received my second package and it was another nice treat and she also included another gift for my daughter. So today I'm sharing a picture of the goodies that I received, I can't wait to use them and my daughter thinks she's getting the Twizzlers.
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Christmas is one week away and I still have tons to do. I still need to get my cards completed and to the post office. I've been running around with my daughter so there has been little time for anything else. Today is the last day of school, winter break starts so I just may have a little downtime. My mother told me yesterday that she now understands why I'm so tired all the time. My daughter's girl scout troop as part of a unit service project collected items for a shelter, in addition each scout was given a box to decorate and fill for a child as a gift this holiday season. Today I'm sharing a picture of the box my daughter decorated and filled with items for a 4 year old boy. She used snowflake wrapping paper to cover the box and I cut the other snowflakes with the cricut, can't remember which cartridge though. Have a great day.
Monday, December 17, 2012
Hello Monday
Its Monday and we are all still hurt and upset about the shooting tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary School. I have just been consumed since Friday wondering, praying and in disbelief that this could happen. I am such a passionate person when it comes to children so this just really hit home. I think I am even more upset because I work at a children's psychiatric hospital. So today I ask that you will join me in continuing to pray for our children, parents, teachers, leaders and the world that we can start to make changes that will avoid such tragedies. Pray for families all over the world that we all may be a blessing to one another.
Friday, December 14, 2012
Hello Friday
I'm happy that today is Friday because I feel like I need more sleep so I am going to try to sleep in on both days this weekend. We have an event tonight and tomorrow so that means less "me time." I think I think I have decided to send store bought cards or rather a mix since I'm running out of time. Today I'm sharing a picture of a holiday card that I put together this morning before coming into work. The inspiration sketch for this card came from Freshly Made Sketches, It is this week's sketch #65 and I used paper from a 6x6 holiday pad (not sure of the brand) and the flowers came from the $1 bin at Michaels. Have a great weekend!
Thursday, December 13, 2012
Mint Condition
Wow the work week is coming to an end but I've got to get busy finishing my holiday cards and more importantly cleaning! Its another cold morning here but they are calling for warmer temperatures on Saturday. We have a busy weekend scheduled with parties and celebrations and we're coming off a busy school week and all I want to do is sleep! So today's daily picture is another LO for our reunion album that I'm hoping to have done by Christmas. The picture was taken while we were in Orlando eating at Wreckers (sports bar & grill) and the group Mint Condition came in for a take-out so I asked them if my daughter could take a picture with them. She wasn't really familiar with the group so when we got back home I shared some of their music and she enjoyed their performance at the reunion too.
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Wednesday Wanderings
Its Wednesday and I'm ready for a nap, got up way to early this morning! Another cool and crisp day here and my daughter still doesn't feel the need to put on a heavier coat, she only wants to wear a hoodie so she doesn't have to visit her locker. The hustle and bustle continues, we went to our daughter's band concert last night, I wasn't able to get any good pictures. Yesterday, I showed some of the staff members here how to make holiday ornaments so today I'm sharing the one that I did as a demo for them, they had so much fun I forgot to take pictures. I used the method with the floor wax, Martha Stewart glitter, added a snowflake that I glimmer misted (can't remember which cricut cartridge) and bling!
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Yes We Did
Its cool and chilly on a beautiful Tuesday morning; I'm still dragging along but I'm still thankful. I don't want to take anything for granted because I know that others are going through too. Today I'm sharing a LO that I started last night and finished this morning. I completed this LO for a challenge over at Stampin Dymonz Scrap Shack, I didn't make the posting deadline but I did finish it. The LO uses pictures taken at the two grassroot rallies that I attended during the election ; along with a picture of the map showing the electoral votes. I used don juan to cut the title, doodlecharms for the flower border and the I Voted was a digital freebie (I can't remember who offered it though) Take care and enjoy your day.
Monday, December 10, 2012
Hello Monday
Its Monday and I haven't posted a daily since Thursday, its not that I haven't been taking pictures I just haven't had time to post. Life just has to happen sometime and this weekend was just too full of other things to do! I took alot of pictures on Saturday, I may decide to share some of them later but for now I just need to try to get back on track. Today's picture is of our office holiday tree, we came in this morning and one of the doctor's had come in over the weekend and decorated it; it is beautiful! Got lots going on this week so I hope I can keep up!
Thursday, December 6, 2012
Thanksgiving LO
Hello and Happy Thursday, one day away from the start of the weekend! Its cool and breezy outside, a perfect day for hot chocolate and snuggling! Since we have to work we have to settle for having the hot chocolate at our desk! Today I'm sharing a picture of my Thanksgiving LO, I had originally created the base of the LO during a Friday Night chat session over at Scraps of Color and all I had to do was add pictures. Well I had to make a few minor adjustments when it came time to add the pictures, one problem was that I didn't have very many pictures to choose from. Anyway our 2012 Thanksgiving is documented in a LO that includes a little hidden journaling. Thank you for stopping by and I hope you have a blessed day.
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
Hello Wednesday
Its Wednesday and day 5 of my December Daily, I don't know when I will take the pictue for the day so my posting time will vary. Today I'm sharing a holiday card that I created using the inspiration from this week's Mojo Monday sketch #270; this is my first time creating a card using one of their sketches. The card looks better in person and I will probably use ths sketch again! I have to give a shout out to one of my scrappin' buddies Felisa over at The Scrapin Diva for sending me some great sites that have simple card sketches! We have another mild day here temperature wise but it is raining a little.
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Today's picture is not a very good one but I thought I'd share it anyway. Today I was a chaperone for my daughter's fieldtrip, we went to a local venue to see A Christmas Carol. They have been reading it in her literature class. It was a beautiful day outside with the temperature being in the mid-70s, I should have taken a picutre outside instead. Oh well, there's always tomorrow!
Monday, December 3, 2012
Christmas Tag
Hello Monday and its day 3 of my December Daily and I'm sharing a simple tag that I put together using some scraps from my crop on Saturday. Its nothiing fancy, although it took a bit of time for me as I was just trying to work with what I had in the immediate space where I was crafting early this morning. I'm submitting this tag for the monthly tag challenge over at Colorful Creations where you had to create a tag using ribbon, a metal brad, a Christmas or festive/word, flower(s) and felt. Well that was simple enough and I can either use it on a gift or in my December Daily album! Secondly I'm going to enter it into the monthly challenge over at Mema's Crafts where this month's challenge is a anything goes project. Well thats quite a bit for right now so I'll be wishing you all well until tomorrow.
Colorful Creations,
December Daily,
Mema's Crafts,
Sunday, December 2, 2012
Christmas Early
Today's picture is of my new crafting toy, I spent all day at a crop yesterday and when I got in last night this is what I found. It is my long awaited Silhouette Cameo and its not open yet. This was the grand prize at a crop that I went to in October, I posted about it earlier! I would love to open it but I think its best that I wait as I've got some other pressing task to complete right now. We have a rather busy calendar for the next few weeks leading up to the holiday so my "me time" is limited. Thank you for stopping by, have a blessed week.
Saturday, December 1, 2012
Happy December
Welcome to December and the first day of my very own December Daily. I'm not participating or following along with anyone else I just decided to do it because I didn't finish last month's challenge over at Scraps of Color. So I'm planning to share a picture that I take everyday and when the month's over I will put all the pictures in an album. I sure hope life doesn't get in the way of me completing this self imposed challenge. That being said today's photo is a picture of the goodies that I received from my secret sistah over at Scraps of Color. My secret pal is awesome she has set a high standard and I'm thankful for her kindness and generosity; she even included a gift for my daughter. Look at all those goodies, I can't wait to start using them!
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