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Saturday, June 1, 2024

Saturday Musings


Hello June and happy Saturday morning, got a full schedule today so I'm doing a quick drive by post. Today's card was created using sketch inspiration from Tuesday Morning Sketches #758 and all things Violet Studio.  On a recent trip to JoAnn's the Violet Studio items were on sale buy two and get three free, of course I can't pass up a sale!  I picked up four of the 6x6 paper pads and one package of gems so that is what I used papers, a cut apart for the sentiment and some gems and this card was done!

Thank you for your visit, enjoy your weekend and hurry back soon.


Donna W. said...

Cute, fun card.Thanks for joining Tuesday Morning Sketches.

Patti said...

Your card turned out great Treva! My mantra with cooking as well as crafting is “anything you have to do anything to is homemade” works for me anyway. :) Thank you so much for creating with us this week at Tuesday Morning Sketches!